Breaking Social in the Swedish Parliament

October 4th, was a remarkable day for Breaking Social - with not just one, but two incredible screenings in one day. Our special guest Chris Smalls, the courageous founder of the Amazon Labor Union and a prominent figure in the film, made the day even more special.

 The documentary was shown in the Swedish Parliament, thanks to the initiative of Ola Möller (S), a Member of Parliament. Following the screening, a thought-provoking discussion took place, focusing on Sweden's growing gaps, concentration of power, and inequality.  After the screening at the parliament, Breaking Social was shown at another sold-out screening at Bio Grand in Stockholm.

Panel in the parliament: Moderator from Arena Opinion – Aida Badeli, Social Democrat - Markus Kalifatides, Policy Director Oxfam - Hanna Nelson, Founder of Amazon Labor Union – Chris Smalls, Director - Fredrik Gertten, Social Democrats Youth League President – Lisa Nåbo and Acting Member of Parliament - Ola Möller.

Evening Cinema Event: Director - Fredrik Gertten, Policy Director Oxfam - Hanna Nelson, Freelancer Journalist Fanny Jönsson, Moderator from Arena Opinion Aida Badeli and Founder of Amazon Labor Union – Chris Smalls.

We would like to thank Chris Smalls, whose role in the documentary, due to his dedication to the labour rights movement in the US, added immense value to Breaking Social's message. His presence in Sweden underscored the global significance of the film's themes and the importance of international collaboration in addressing them.